Be Nice

Sep 12, 2019

This seems like a simple, given concept, doesn’t it? Our society calls it “common courtesy,” but the truth is, being nice isn’t a common art. Today, I want to talk with you...

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Mastering Transition

Sep 05, 2019

We’re all in transition. It’s a natural phase of life for us. Transitions can take many forms, as you’ve experienced yourself. In my life, I’ve seen eight types of...

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Be Mary and Martha!

Aug 29, 2019

Most of us know the story, in Luke 10, about Mary and Martha. Martha is serving her guests, while Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Over the years, a lot of people have thrown Martha under the...

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The Price of Leadership

Aug 21, 2019

Nelson Mandela spent twenty-seven years on Robben Island off the coast of South Africa. For those long years, he broke rocks, did hard labor, was beaten, and had no privileges. Mandela’s...

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3 Things to Know About Staffing

Aug 14, 2019

Staffing isn’t as simple as ‘How do we get people into the right slots?’ There’s an art, a science, to it. To master this aspect of organizational leadership, we need three...

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When You Make Mistakes

Aug 08, 2019

If you’re living, breathing, and doing anything of value, you will make mistakes. It’s simply a fact of life. The only kinds of people who don’t make mistakes are dead people, and...

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The Primacy of Relationships

Aug 01, 2019

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, ‘How did I get here?’

Your mind might answer: ‘Well, because I went to college, studied for it, submitted an application, and went...

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Volunteers Vs. Recruits

Jul 25, 2019

Leaders: have you ever found that, when you ask for volunteers, the wrong people will usually volunteer? People who can’t greet or smile volunteer to be greeters and ushers. People who...

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The Need for Coaches and Mentors

Jul 11, 2019

Perhaps one of the greatest regrets we can have in our lives is looking back and realizing we did not have coaches and mentors guiding us. It may seem like a luxury; but in leadership, coaches and...

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What You Can Never Delegate

Jun 27, 2019

Delegation. It’s a word tossed around in organizational circles a lot. When we look at delegation, we are looking at who can help us do something. There is a difference between dumping and...

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