
Aug 06, 2019

Many companies try to brand themselves by telling the world who they are. In fact, an organization’s brand is developed from what others say about them. As a leader, YOU are the brand!

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Stay Nervous

Jul 30, 2019

We tend to vilify nervousness as an amateur response to pressure. I’d like to suggest, however, that a continual, healthy level of nervousness actually brings out the best in leaders!...

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In Transition

Jul 23, 2019

We’re prone to thinking that people go through seasons of transition and seasons of staying the same. However, everyone, including you, is constantly changing! Our emotions, bodies, minds,...

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Jul 16, 2019

Most of us view disappointments in a negative light. We try to shift blame,
absolve ourselves of responsibility, and fret about what went wrong. Instead, we
need to view disappointments in light of...

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A leaderā€™s most important question

Jul 09, 2019

Leaders often get sidetracked with a multitude of questions. When new projects arise, we can become obsessed with the logistics. The most essential question leaders will ask, however, is,...

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Learning to Walk

Jul 02, 2019

Many of us are discouraged when we fall, thinking we’re failures. However, look at children. The only way they can walk is by falling enough times to learn what it takes. Think of falling as...

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When Crisis Strikes

Jun 25, 2019

When crisis strikes, our first instinct is to try to deconstruct why it happened: did we not plan adequately? Is there something we could have done better? Instead of asking questions that will...

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Do You Have Margin?

Jun 18, 2019

Every leader is an agent of change. Before you make changes, however, you must ask yourself if you have the margin to do so. Many organizations get into trouble because they rush changes when...

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The Difference Between Respect and Honor

Jun 11, 2019

Honor and respect are two quite different things. While respect is based on what you do, honor is based on who you are. It should be our goal to live every day in such a way that those we lead can...

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Building a Legacy

Jun 03, 2019

Some people think legacy is something to be focused on only during the later years of life. Some people think legacy is the building, money, or status that you accrue as a leader. Not true! Legacy...

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