There’s no such thing as a “silver bullet” when it comes to solving challenges within an organization. Whether it’s hiring the right person, firing the wrong one, or making a big strategic move, no si...
Your personal history is significant—whether difficult or smooth—because it shapes your present and future. Embrace their past; do not erase or rationalize it. Recognize it as a vital part of your jou...
We tend to equate inheritance with legacy. The truth is that the two are very different. Inheritance is what you will leave behind; legacy is who you will leave behind. It’s important to plan for both...
So often, we view leadership as a destination rather than a journey. Instead, we need to be okay with the tension between where we are and where we want to be. If we make peace with the journey, we’ll...
Too many times, we design our delivery systems based on what our inside team wants, instead of creating systems that benefit the customer, client, and member first.
Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the future will not be those who can’t read or write. The illiterate of the future will be those who can’t learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Unlearning is perhaps th...
Behavior is a little-talked-about subject in leadership circles; but it sets the tone for your entire organization. How do you behave during difficult times? This will heavily influence how far you ca...
As leaders, we tend to focus on our calendars—our appointments, functions, organizational structures, and so on. However, before we refine our calendars, we must ensure our character is healthy. Witho...
Many of us are discouraged when we fall, thinking we’re failures. However, look at children. The only way they can walk is by falling enough times to learn what it takes. Think of falling as a step fo...
We’re prone to thinking that people go through seasons of transition and seasons of staying the same. However, everyone, including you, is constantly changing! Our emotions, bodies, minds, and environ...
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