Reinvent Yourself: Adapting to Your Current Age and Stage

Jan 30, 2020

Reinvention may sound like an intimidating term, but it’s really just another word for adapting. As we grow and learn, we have to reinvent our lifestyles, practices, and strategies in order...

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The Price of Leadership

Jan 28, 2020

So often, we view leadership as a destination rather than a journey. Instead, we need to be okay with the tension between where we are and where we want to be. If we make peace with the journey,...

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Rebounding from Mistakes: Why Your Response Matters More Than the Mistake

Jan 23, 2020

I’m going to make mistakes today. So are you. Every single one of us makes mistakes. There may come a time in which you get better at recovering from, camouflaging, or pivoting from your...

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Jan 21, 2020

Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the future will not be those who can’t read or write. The illiterate of the future will be those who can’t learn, unlearn, and...

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Respond Quickly: How Your Reply Time Communicates Respect (Or a Lack Thereof)

Jan 16, 2020

You’re scrolling through your phone, and suddenly come across a text that someone sent to you a month ago. As your heart skips a beat, you open the text chain to double check…yep. You...

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Organizational Structures

Jan 14, 2020

Your organizational structure is meant to take you to a destination. Keep your eyes on that destination, and don’t become captivated by your own organizational structure.

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Take, Make, Use, Lose: Why We Lose Team Members, and How You Can Change the Paradigm

Jan 09, 2020

Why do so many leaders and organizations lose team members? You spend time training, developing, pouring into, and investing in team members, only to see them leave. Why is this? I believe...

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The Burden of Seniority

Jan 07, 2020

Seniority in an organization means you’ve been there longer than other people. Rather than a cause for entitlement, this is a burden of responsibility to develop and lift those who are your...

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The Wisdom Gap: The Space Between Leaders and Followers

Jan 02, 2020

As a leader, you grow simply by waking up. Isn’t that true? You have leaders and thinkers speaking into your life all day, every day. Today, you will read a book (or portions of it); you will...

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New Seasons, New Voices

Dec 31, 2019

Just because certain voices brought us to where we are today doesn’t mean they need to come with us into our next season. As leaders, we must always be searching for and inviting in fresh...

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