The Difference Between Respect and Honor

Jun 11, 2019

Honor and respect are two quite different things. While respect is based on what you do, honor is based on who you are. It should be our goal to live every day in such a way that those we lead can...

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What’s Your Heart?

Jun 06, 2019

Your organization has a heart. We’ve all heard the term ‘assimilation’ thrown around a lot. But the heart of your organization is revealed by how you assimilate new members and...

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Building a Legacy

Jun 03, 2019

Some people think legacy is something to be focused on only during the later years of life. Some people think legacy is the building, money, or status that you accrue as a leader. Not true! Legacy...

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Closing the Loop

May 29, 2019

If you’re a leader, you probably have a million questions running through your head in the shower, or while you’re driving home: ‘Did this get done? Did that email go out? When...

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Obvious vs. Oblivious

May 27, 2019

So often in life, what’s obvious to you proves to be something to which others are totally oblivious. Just because you can see things in others that they can’t doesn’t make them...

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Segment Your Leadership

May 22, 2019

What made Jesus the most successful leader the world has ever known? He understood that segmentation of leadership is very important.

He had the crowd, the 70, the 12, and the 3. All four of these...

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A Higher Altitude

May 20, 2019

Leaders tend to assume that, when they finally reach the next level, things will be easier for them. I’m here to dispel that myth. When you go higher, your responsibilities grow, and the...

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Functional vs. Organizational Leaders

May 14, 2019

What are the transitions that brought you to where you are? Two things are indicative of our journey in leadership: there are two types of leaders.

Everybody starts off as a functional leader. If...

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The Need for Constant Improvement

May 10, 2019

Have you ever heard a world-class athlete say, ‘You know what? I’m at the top. I’m a champion. I don’t need to improve anymore.’ Of course not. No star athlete thinks...

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4 Types of People

May 10, 2019

This principle will free you from a lot of frustration and heartache. Do you have a person on your team who consistently doesn’t deliver what you’d like them to deliver? Do you have...

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