A church's core values are like the ballast in a ship. Although storms may buffet a vessel above the waterline, it is the weight of the ballast in the hull of the ship, beneath the waterline, that...
Most organizations' plans are past- and present-oriented. They know where they used to be and they know where they are now, but when leaders neglect the future, they jeopardize their next past and...
By Sam Chand
Many of us strive for growth. This comes through pushing yourself, learning, and experience. But, many aren’t as intentional with the process of unlearning out-of-date and...
Failure is hard—and sometimes, talking about it can be even harder. However, failure often makes up the majority of our journey. If you can view failure as the gateway to success, suddenly,...
The path to success isn’t complicated; it’s rather straightforward if you know where it comes from. First, you are observed, then an opinion is formed, then an opportunity is...
The key to living a drama-free life of peace and joy is not complicated. It’s rather simple: you must live long and live clean. You must steer clear of immorality and corruption and advance...
We often view the response “because I said so” as dismissive. At times, it is. But sometimes, “just because” is sufficient for effective results. Give yourself a break,...
Words of affirmation never get old. Most of the time, we can’t get enough of them. In fact, in many ways, we have a fundamental human need for them! It’s not enough to believe in...
By Sam Chand
I talk and write a lot about the importance of culture, and how it’s formed. Today, I want to talk about maintaining culture, which is something leaders seldom give themselves...
Your organization may have great products and a loyal customer base, but are they receiving your products in a way that serves them best? Even if you have mail, would you get it without a mailman?...
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